A Death has Occurred
When a Death Occurs…
When death is imminent, or at the time of death, we are here to help you make immediate arrangements for burial or entombment and to provide any other information you need.
Steps to Follow:
- Contact the funeral home – they will take the deceased into their care. The funeral home will also request that you make an appointment to complete the funeral arrangement. The funeral home will ask where you intend for you loved one to be buried. They will call our office to inform the cemetery of a pending burial and to find out what services have not been pre-paid.
- Contact your faith leader, who will assist you in making the liturgical arrangements.
- Cremation And The Order Of Christian Funerals
- Bereavement And Funerals
- An Overview Of Catholic Funeral Rites
- Follow up with the cemetery where you intend for your loved one to be buried. One of our family counselors will meet with you and help you finalize cemetery service arrangements.
Things To Know:
- All services must be paid in full prior to the actual burial.
- An Authorization to Open and Close Burial Space must be signed by an designated representative at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled service.
- Burials may be scheduled Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, or Saturday 8:30 am to Noon. Services scheduled outside these prescribed hours or late arrivals will incur an additional cost.
Please Call Our Office to Make Arrangements
Kansas City (816) 353-1900
St. Joseph (816) 279-5005